
Social Commerce Early Mover

Dr. Phil

AOR for Dr. Phil

dr. phil

Agency of Record

Signature was brought on to the Dr. Phil team to bring the brand into the 21st Century, beginning with a redesign of their website, print, product launches and an innovative eCommerce strategy now known widely as “social commerce” — a method of combining content, commerce, and community into a thriving promotional ecosystem.

Signature helped the Dr. Phil phenomenon grow into the ecommerce & entertainment powerhouse it is today. 

Our Contribution


Creative Services
Media Libraries (Email/Motion/Print/Digital Display/Sales)
Creative Templates & Assets


Social Strategy
Product Strategy


Service Design
Analytics Definition


Technical Scope and Resource Management
Technical Oversight of Development
Q/A Testing
Ongoing Product Strategy and Management


Web Frontend
API & Backend
17-Day Diet Book
Dr. Phil

Early-Days Social Commerce Platform

We developed Dr.Phil.com into one of the very first eCommerce platforms to strategically leverage trending topics, active discussion boards, and editorial content to promote products and services featured on the Dr. Phil show.

Our first major success came with the 17-Day Diet book, one of the first products to be featured on the show with the support of the social commerce platform. The episode aired alongside editorial content, social media activations, and live conversations in the community forum–and within sixty minutes sold hundreds of thousands of copies.

dr. phil 17 day diet website mockup
Design & Development
Dr. Phil

New network, products, and creative tools for the Dr. Phil team

The success of this project kicked off the development of multiple products and services built around the programming and online platform, leading to high performing wellness products, several books, a cosmetic line, and more.

For the next seven years, Signature continued to develop the social commerce network, new products, and creative tools for the Dr. Phil team: such as proprietary software that ‘listened’ to worldwide media and allowed producers to search for relevant topics for the show easily.

Today, not only is Dr. Phil one of the United State’s most popular talk shows, but the brand is also a major thought leader in the e-commerce space.

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dr. phil life code ecommerce website mockup
dr. phil rumorfix ecommerce website mockup
dr. phil ecommerce website mockup
dr. phil ecommerce website mockup

300,000 Sold in 60 Minutes

Within one hour of promoting the 17-Day Diet book through the social commerce platform, the book sold 300,000 copies—a major success.

Agency of Record

“Being entrusted with the Dr. Phil franchise and family businesses, we were inspired to push our team to new levels of innovation. Our mission was to generate massive amounts of engagement, create shared success across the network, and develop a destination and e-commerce platform that out-performed all past iterations, and we succeeded.”

–  John Gheur, Signature Founder

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